Presentation and acknowledgements
The Roger Errera archives have been in the process of being catalogued since 2018 at the French national archives (Archives nationales) (Fonds Roger Errera, sous-série 122AJ) at Pierrefitte-sur-Seine. This is a result of the hard work and dedication of Mme Isabelle Chave, conservateur en chef du patrimoine, Mme Nicole Even, conservateur en chef honoraire du patrimoine, Mme Marie Ranquet, conservateur du patrimoine, M. Samuel Gibiat, conservateur général du patrimoine, and M. Arnaud Romont, chargé d’études documentaires, adjoint à la responsable du pôle de l’Exécutif (1789-1870), des Assemblées et du contrôle de l’Etat (Département de l’Exécutif et du Législatif, Direction des fonds, Archives nationales). I, and my two sons, are very grateful for their excellent welcome since 2016 and their guidance and help throughout this time. We would like to thank M. Arnaud Romont, in particular, for his ongoing commitment to the cataloguing of these archives since 2016.
Irène Errera-Hoechstetter
Paris, March 2021
Note 2. My own additions to the references: In brackets (…): information or clarification which I considered useful or necessary. In square brackets […]: a document contained in the personal archives of R.E.
Published works
« Le cinéma français et les problèmes de la France » (French cinema and France’s problems), Signes des temps (journal published by the Dominican Order at Editions du Cerf, from January 1959 to July/August 1969), July 1960, p. 34-35.
Under the pseudonym of Roger Thibault « Crise entre la nation et le pouvoir » (Crisis between the nation and power), Signes des temps, June 1961, p. 3-5.
Under the pseudonym of Roger Thibault « Démocratie et parti unique en Afrique noire » (Democracy and the single-party system in Sub-Saharan Africa), Signes des temps, July 1961.
« L’idéologie du nationalisme algérien » (The ideology of Algerian nationalism), Signes des temps, April 1962.
« Quand l’Angleterre s’interroge » (Britain’s self-examination) (Review of: Anthony Sampson, Anatomie de l’Angleterre, Robert Laffont, 1963 ; Anthony Hartley, L’Angleterre : une auto-critique, Ed. du Seuil, 1964 ; John Mander, Great Britain or Little England?, Harmondsworth, Middlesex Penguin Special, 1963 ; Encounter, « Suicide of a Nation? », July 1963), jointly with Monique Nathan, Critique, n° 210, November 1964, p. 979-991.
« Eichmann: un procès inachevé » (Eichmann: an unfinished trial) (Review of Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil, New York, The Viking Press, 1963 ; Léon Poliakov, Le procès de Jérusalem, Calmann-Lévy, 1963 ; Frédéric Pottecher, Grands procès : Powers, Adams, Eichmann, Arthaud, 1964), Critique, n° 214, March 1965, p. 262-274.
Under the pseudonym of Charles Brunet « Les citoyens devant le président et l’avenir » (Citizens in relation to the president and the future), Signes des temps, January 1966, p. 15-17.
« Qu’est-ce que la mafia ? » (What is the mafia?) (Review of Michele Pantaleone, Mafia e politica, Turin, Einaudi, 1962, Mafia et politique, traduit de l’italien, Gallimard 1965 ; Martin W. Duyzings, La mafia, Payot, 1966 ; Dominique Fernandez, Les événements de Palerme, Grasset, 1966), Critique, n° 230, July 1966, p. 675-684.
Under the pseudonym of Charles Brunet « Les communistes français. Le débat idéologique » (The French communists. The ideological debate), Esprit, October 1966, p. 460-468.
« Les exigences d’un philosophe marxiste : Louis Althusser » (The demands of a Marxist philosopher: Louis Althusser) (Review of L. Althusser, Pour Marx, Maspero, 1965 ; L. Althusser, J. Rancière, P. Macherey, E. Balibar et R. Establet, Lire le Capital, 2 vol., Maspero, 1965), Signes des temps, November 1966, p. 18-21.
« Une analyse du totalitarisme » (An analysis of totalitarianism) (Review of Hannah Arendt, Eichmann à Jérusalem. Rapport sur la banalité du mal, Gallimard, 1966), La Quinzaine littéraire, 1-15 December 1966, p. 3-4.
« La paresse de conscience » (The idleness of conscience) (Review of Jean-Marc Théolleyre, Ces procès qui ébranlèrent la France, Grasset, 1966), La Quinzaine littéraire, 15-31 December 1966, p. 21.
« Les catholiques allemands et le nazisme » (German Catholics and Nazism) (Review of Jacques Nobécourt, « Le vicaire » et l’histoire, Ed. du Seuil, 1964 ; Saül Friedländer, Pie XII et le IIIème Reich, Ed. du Seuil, 1964 ; Guenter Lewy, The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, Boston, Da Capo Press, 1964, L’Eglise catholique et l’Allemagne nazie, translated from the English, Stock, 1965), Critique, December 1966, p. 1043-1058.
« Y a-t-il un cas H. Arendt ? » (Is there a case H. Arendt?), L’Arche, December 1966 (reproduit in Destin de la « banalité du mal », Paris, Editions de l’Eclat, 2011, p. 176-178).
« Les Américains et leurs villes » (The Americans and their cities) (Review of Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, New York, Random House, 1961 ; Morton et Lucia White, The Intellectual versus the City: from Thomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright, Cambridge, Harvard U.P., 1962 ; Oscar Handlin et John Burchard (dir.), The Historian and the City, Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press and Harvard U.P., 1963 ; Robert C. Weaver, The Urban Complex: Human Values in Urban Life, Garden City, Doubleday, 1964 ; Peter Blake, God’s own Junkyard: The planned Deterioration of America’s Landscape, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964), Critique, January 1967, p. 116-142.
« Une bureaucratie totalitaire » (A totalitarian bureaucracy) (Review of Edouard Calic, Himmler et son empire, Stock, 1965 ; Werner Klose, Histoire de la jeunesse hitlérienne, Albin Michel, 1966 ; Michel C. Vercel, Les rescapés de Nuremberg, Albin Michel, 1966), La Quinzaine littéraire, n° 22, 15 February 1967, p. 25-26.
« Essai sur la Révolution » (On Revolution) (Review of Hannah Arendt, Essai sur la Révolution (On Revolution), Gallimard, 1967), La Quinzaine littéraire, n° 26, 15-30 April 1967.
« Les libertés à l’abandon » (Freedoms adrift), Paris, Ed. du Seuil, [1968] 1975. [>Pierre Vidal-Naquet article]
Under the pseudonym of Charles Brunet « Est-il trop tard pour négocier ? » (Is it too late to negotiate?) (After the NLF’s offensive in Vietnam), Réforme, 9 March 1968.
« D’Audin à Ben Barka » (From Audin to Ben Barka) (Review of Casamayor, Combats pour la justice, Ed. du Seuil, 1968), La Quinzaine littéraire, 15 April 1968.
« Une liberté surveillée la radio-télévision » (Monitored freedom in broadcasting), extract from Les libertés aujourd’hui, published under the title Les libertés à l’abandon, aux Ed. du Seuil, coll. « Politique », Esprit, May 1968, p. 833-849.
« Autopsie d’un régime » (Autopsy of a regime) (Review of Jacques Julliard, La IVe République 1947-1958, Calmann-Lévy, 1968), La Quinzaine littéraire, 1 October 1968, p. 24.
« Le pouvoir dans les pays communistes » (Power in Communist countries) (Review of Robert C. Tucker, The Soviet Political Mind. Studies in Stalinism and Post-Stalin Change, 1963, La politique soviétique : essais sur la pensée politique stalinienne et post-stalinienne, traduit de l’anglais, Payot, 1967 ; Isaac Deutscher, Ironies of History. Essays on Contemporary Communism, Oxford U.P., 1966 ; Michel Tatu, Le Pouvoir en URSS : du déclin de Khrouchtchev à la direction collective, Grasset, 1967), Critique, November 1968, p. 984-1009.
« Un antisémitisme catholique » (Catholic antisemitism) (Review of Pierre Sorlin, La Croix et les Juifs (1880-1889). Contribution à l’histoire de l’antisémitisme contemporain, Grasset, 1967), Signes des temps, December 1968, p. 25-26.
« Une ville allemande à l’heure nazie » (A German town in the time of the Nazis) (Review of W. S. Allen, Une petite ville nazie 1930-1935, Robert Laffont, 1967), Esprit, February 1969, p. 300-305.
« De l’indifférence en matière de génocide » (Indifference regarding genocide), Esprit, June 1969, p. 1095-2000.
« La déportation comme best-seller » (Deportation as a best seller) (Review of Sylvain Reiner, Et la terre sera pure, Fayard, 1969), Esprit, December 1969, p. 918-921. And response to a letter from Georges Bonnet concerning the above mentioned article “De l’indifférence en matière de génocide”. Further response from Georges Bonnet, Ibid., December 1969, followed by a response from R. E., p. 952-958. Another letter from G. B. and a final response from R. E., Ibid., February 1970, p. 445-447. [>text]
Review of Abraham Léon, « La conception matérialiste de la question juive » (The materialist conception of the Jewish Question), E.D.I., 1968, Notes de lecture, Esprit, February 1970.
Under the pseudonym of Charles Brunet « La justice et les libertés » (Justice and freedoms), issue on justice in France, Après-demain, March 1970, p. 30-31.
« La Convention et les problèmes de la laïcité (article 2-1er protocole additionnel à la Convention) » (The [European] Convention [on Human Rights] and the problems of state secularism – Article 2 of 1st additional protocol to the Convention), symposium of the Faculty of Law and Economics and Political Science of Besançon “La France devant la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme” (France and the European Convention on Human Rights), Besançon, 5-7 November 1970, Revue des droits de l’homme (Human Rights Journal), n° 4, 1970, p. 572 et seq. [>text]
« La television américaine : examen de conscience et chances d’une réforme » (American television: soul-searching and opportunities for reform), special issue on “L’ORTF et ses problèmes” (The problems at the ORTF), Droit social, n° 12, December 1970, p. 43-54.
« L’Europe de l’Est aujourd’hui » (Eastern Europe today) (On the publication of the second edition of the book by François Fejtö, Les démocraties populaires, (A History of the People’s Democracies : eastern Europe since Stalin) [1952] 1969), Esprit, December 1970.
« L’indemnisation en cas de détention provisoire non suivie de condamnation » (Compensation where pre-trial custody is not followed by a conviction), in Détention provisoire, contrôle judiciaire et garde à vue. Problèmes posés par leur contrôle juridictionnel, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1971.
“Problems Raised by the Content of Television Programs Transmitted by Telecommunication Satellites”, in E. McWhinney (dir.), The International Law of Communications, Leyden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1971, p. 85-98.
« Aspects de la politique pénitentiaire. A propos d’une réforme » (Aspects of prison policy. Time for reform), jointly with Marco Darmon, Projet, n° 131, 1971, p. 805-817.
« Justice, libertés et police aux Etats-Unis » (Justice, freedoms and the police in the United States), special report compiled by Roger Errera and an article on “La Cour suprême et la liberté de la presse : l’affaire du New York Times” (The Supreme Court and press freedom: the New York Times case),p. 13-14, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 91-92, 24 September–1 October 1971, 48 p.
« Rencontres » (Encounters), in Paul Veyne et Roger Errera, Georges Ville (1927-1967). In Memoriam, Aix-en-Provence, Imprimerie Daupeley-Gouverneur, Nogent-le-Rotrou, 1972, p. 9-11.
« La crise des universités américaines » (The crisis in American universities), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 109-110, 21-28 January 1972, 57 p.
« Une lacune de notre droit » (A gap in our rights) under the title Correspondance, A propos de la discrimination raciale (Letters, On racial discrimination), Le Monde, 19 January 1972.
« La presse sous l’Occupation » (The press under the Occupation) (Review of Frédérique Grou-Radenez, Les perles noires, préface de H. Amouroux, Grasset, 1971), La Quinzaine littéraire, 1 - 15 February 1972.
« Le droit de réponse à l’O.R.T.F. » (The right to respond to the ORTF) (In regard to the Law of 3 July 1972 on the status of French radio television broadcasting), Le Monde, 25 February 1972.
« La gangrène » (The gangrene) (Review of Pierre Vidal-Naquet, La torture dans la République. Essai d’histoire et de politique contemporaines (1954-1962), Ed. de Minuit, 1972), La Quinzaine littéraire, 16-31 May 1972.
« Les catholiques aux Etats-Unis » (Catholics in the United States), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 128, 9 June 1972, 48 p.
“Problems of Intellectual Freedom in France”, Index on Censorship, n°4, 1 September 1972, p. 175-182.
« Hannah Arendt, penseur du “politique” » (Hannah Arendt, political thinker), article preceded by an introduction, “On totalitarianism. Are the Nazi and Stalinist regimes comparable?” Two other articles follow: Pierre Vidal-Naquet, « De l’antisémitisme. Des Juifs de cour à Eichmann » and Alain Clément, « De l’Etat. De Périclès à Richard Nixon », Le Monde, 20 October 1972.
« Les Américains et la nouvelle politique extérieure des Etats-Unis » (Americans and new US foreign policy), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux, (La Documentation française), n° 162, 2 February1973, 44 p.
« Une réforme incomplète » (An incomplete reform) (In regard to the Law of 3 July 1972 on the status of French radio television broadcasting), Le Monde, 25-26 February 1973.
« Les infortunes de la censure » (The misfortunes of the censors), Esprit, March 1973, p. 654-683.
Letter titled « Français, encore un effort ! » (Come on France, make an effort!) (In relation to a film by André Harris and Alain de Sédouy, « Français si vous saviez », VM productions, NEF, CDG, UPF, 22 February 1973), Télérama, 31 March 1973, p. 64-66.
“The Black Dossiers of the French Police”, Index on Censorship, n° 5, 1973.
« Aspects de la télévision américaine » (Aspects of American television), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 178, 25 May 1973, 36 p.
« Germaine Tillion et Ravensbrück » (Germaine Tillion and Ravensbrück) (Review of G. Tillion, Ravensbrück, Ed. du Seuil, 1973), Le Monde, 30 August 1973.
« La crise de l’assistance sociale aux Etats-Unis » (The crisis in social welfare in the United States), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 194-195, 28 September-5 October 1973, 84 p.
« La crise des libertés » (The crisis of freedoms) (Review of Jean Rivero, Les libertés publiques. I. - Les droits de l’homme. PUF, coll. Thémis, 1973), Le Monde, 30-31 December 1973. See also 1978.
« De quelques problèmes juridiques » (Some legal problems), issue on « La télévision par câble : une révolution dans les communications sociales ? » (Cable television: a revolution in social communication?), Communications, n° 21, 1974, p. 21-33.
« Regards sur la Californie » (Focus on California), report compiled by Roger Errera, Problèmes politiques et sociaux (La Documentation française), n° 209-210, 11-18 January 1974, 72 p.
« La gestion de la télévision dans une société démocratique : Aspects politiques et institutionnels » (Managing television in a democratic society: political and institutional aspects), symposium on « Le rôle et la gestion des télécommunications dans une société démocratique » (The role and management of telecommunications in a democratic society), Conseil de l’Europe / Commission de la culture et de l’éducation, Munich, 24-26 June 1974, in Conseil de l’Europe, Doc. 3520 et 3520 Add., Strasbourg, 12 December 1974 and 9 January 1975.
“Hannah Arendt”, film of conversations between Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) and Roger Errera, directed by Jean-Claude Lubtchansky, New York, October 1973. Broadcast by ORTF, Service de la recherche, series “Un certain regard”, 6 July 1974. [>video] [>transcription]
« Après trois ans de réflexion » (After three years of reflection) (In regard to the Order of 13 May 1975 on the basis of Article 8 of the afore mentioned Law of 3 July 1972, regarding the right of response to radio and television), Le Monde, 21 May 1975.
“France: The «Canard» Affair”, Index on Censorship, vol. 4, n° 4, 1 December 1975, p. 48.
« Hannah Arendt est morte. Une éthique de la liberté » (Hannah Arendt is dead. Ethics of freedom), Le Monde, 7-8 December 1975.
Participation in the programme “Apostrophes”, presented by Bernard Pivot, on the protection of privacy, Antenne 2, ORTF, 20 June 1975. [>video]
« …et la recherche du bonheur » (To celebrate the bicentenary of the US Constitution), Le Monde, 16-17 May 1976. Published in English, Le Monde, Special Supplement in English, July 1976, titled “The Pursuit of Happiness”.
Article published anonymously « Un combat pour la liberté. La Charte 77 en Tchécoslovaquie » (A struggle for freedom. Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia), Projet, n° 116, 1977, p. 656-666.
« La persécution religieuse en Union soviétique » (Religious persecution in the Soviet Union), La Croix, 14 June 1977.
“The Case for Disobedience” (Review of Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously, London, Bloomsbury, 1977), The Times Literary Supplement, 19 August 1977.
“The Protection of Private Life in French Law: Recent Developments”, The Human Rights Review, autumn 1977, p. 151-156.
« Les libertés en France. Les mots et les choses » (Freedoms in France. The order of things), Projet, n° 119, November 1977, p. 1050-1070.
« Savoir dire non » (Knowing how to say no) (In regard to the declaration made by Me Louis Pettiti, President of the Barreau de Paris, at the opening of the ‘conférence du stage du barreau’), La Croix, 15 February 1978. [>text]
« Sur un traité critique » (A critical treatise) (Review of Jean Rivero, Les libertés publiques. II. Régime des principales libertés, PUF, coll. Thémis, 1977), Le Monde, 3 June 1978. See 1973.
“The Bakke Affair” (Concerning the decision by the US Supreme Court on 28 June 1978 upholding affirmative action and invalidating the use of racial quotas), Le Monde, 1 July 1978.
« La mémoire et la décence » (Memory and decency) (Writing in regard to the publication by L’Express on 28 October 1978 of an interview with Louis Darquier de Pellepoix, who was appointed Commissioner General for Jewish Affairs by Pierre Laval, head of the government, in May 1942, and then was exiled in Spain having fled France at the time of the Liberation), La Croix, 7 November 1978. [>text]
« Extradition et terrorisme » (Extradition and terrorism), Études, November 1978, p. 455-475.
Anonymous article, « La situation de l’Eglise catholique en Tchécoslovaquie » (The position of the Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia), Vie chrétienne, n° 222, June 1979, p. 18-22.
“The Right of Access to Government Documents: the Reform of the Law in France”, The Human Rights Review, autumn 1979, p. 180 et seq.
“Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and the International Protection of Human Rights”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 13, n° 2-3, spring - summer 1980, p. 409-428.
« La remise en cause d’une politique criminelle » (The questioning of a criminal policy). Commentary by Marc [Marco] Darmon and Roger Errera (in regard to the draft bill on security and freedom, which will be passed on 2 February 1981), La croix, 14 June 1980.
« La législation antisémite de Vichy » (Vichy’s antisemitic legislation), Yod (revue d’études hébraïques et juives, INALCO), n°15-16, 1982, p. 31-50.
“Press Law in France”, in Pnina Lahav (dir.), Press Law in Modern Democracies. A Comparative Study, New York and London, Longman, 1985, p. 137-184.
“Reflections on Extradition in French Law”, in Myres McDougal and W. Michael Reisman (dir.), Power and Policy in Quest of Law. Essays in Honour of Eugen Victor Rostow, Dordrecht / Boston / Lancaster, Martinus Nijhoff, 1985, p. 291-318.
« Nuremberg : le droit et l’histoire. 1945-1985 » (Nuremberg: the law and history. 1945-1985), in L’Allemagne nazie et le génocide juif, Paris, Hautes Etudes / Gallimard / Ed. du Seuil, 1985, p. 447 et seq.
« L’extradition et la protection des droits individuels » (Extradition and the protection of human rights), Revue française de droit administratif, 1 (2), March - April 1985, p. 158-164.
« Les atteintes aux droits de l’homme en Union soviétique » (Attacks on human rights in the Soviet Union) (full text of the speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council, of which R.E. was a member from 1982 to 1986, during the examination of the second regular report on the USSR, Geneva, 6 November 1984), Documents-Episcopat, n° 9, May 1985. [>text]
“Dicey and French Administrative Law: a Missed Encounter?” In relation to All Souls Public Law Seminar “Dicey and the Constitution”, Oxford, 30 September 1985, Public Law, Winter 1985, p. 695-707.
« La législation antisémite de Vichy » (The antisemitic legislation of Vichy), Actes. Cahiers d’action juridique, n° 51, autumn 1985, p. 7-13. See 1982. [>text]
“A Secrets Act for the USA?”, Index on Censorship, n°1, 1986.
“The Scope and Meaning of No-Fault Liability in French Administrative Law”, in Roger Rideout and Jeffrey Jowell (dir.), Current Legal Problems 1986, London, Stevens & Sons Ltd, 1986, vol. 39, p. 157-180.
“Changes in Judicial Review: an Outsider’s Reflections”, Public Administration, 1986, p. 189 et seq.
« Sur une révolution silencieuse : à propos du juge de la loi » (A silent revolution, on the constitutional judicial authority), Commentaire, vol. 9, n° 35, autumn 1986, p. 424-426.
“Access to Administrative Documents in France: Reflections on a Reform”, in Norman Marsh (dir.), Public Access to Government-held Information: A Comparative Symposium, London, Stevens & Sons Ltd, 1987, p. 87-121.
“French Courts and Article 177 of the Treaty of Rome”. Report at the Symposium Asser, The Hague, 1985, in H.G. Schermers, C. Timmermans, A.E. Kellermann et J. Watson (dir.), Article 177: Experiences and Problems, North Holland / Amsterdam / New York / Oxford / Tokyo, 1987, p. 78 et seq. [Typed text in French: « Les juridictions françaises et l’article 177 du traité de Rome », R.E. personal archives, 59 p. ]
« Les droits de l’homme en URSS : quand les Soviétiques passent aux aveux » (Human rights in the USSR: when the Soviets confess), Commentaire, vol. 10, n° 37, spring1987, p. 42-49, and n° 38, summer 1987, p. 298-308.
“Democracies and Human Rights. The Heritage and the Challenge”, The Atlantic Community Quarterly, vol. 25, n° 2, summer 1987, p. 189-200.
Hearing by the Commission in charge of studying the reform of the Code of Nationality, presided over by M. Marceau Long, 21 October 1987, in Etre français aujourd’hui et demain. Report by the Commission de la nationalité presented by M. Marceau Long, president, to the Prime Minister. Tome 1. Les auditions publiques, UGE, 10/18, 1988, p. 687-694 and questions and responses, p. 694-711.
Preface and article on « L’apport de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme » (The contribution of the European Convention on Human Rights), in Justice pénale, police et presse, Travaux de l’Institut de sciences criminelles de Poitiers, vol. VII, Paris, Cujas, 1988, p. 1 and 127 et seq.
Letter to Le Monde newspaper, 2 November 1988, titled, “André Neher et Vichy”, clarifying that André Neher, a teacher, was excluded from the Ministry of National Education by applying the Law on the Status of Jews of 3 October 1940.
Roger Errera and Jan Vladislav (texts compiled by), Vaclav Havel. Essais politiques. Introduction by R. Errera, preface by J. Vladislav, Calmann-Lévy, 1989. Réédition, Ed. du Seuil, 1990.
“Legislazione antisemita di Vichy” (Vichy’s antisemitic legislation), in La legislazione antiebraica in Italia e in Europa. Atti del Convegno nel cinquantenario delle leggi razziali (Roma, 17-18 ottobre 1988), Roma, Camera dei deputati, p. 319-342. See 1982 et 1985.
“Recent Developments in Anti-Nazi and Anti-Discrimination Legislation”, Patterns of Prejudice, vol. 23, n° 1, 1989, p. 47-49.
« Former des juges » (Training judges), Revue de l’Ecole nationale de la magistrature, 2 - 1989, p. 33-34.
Theodor Herzl, Journal. 1895-1904. Le fondateur du sionisme parle. (Theodor Herzl. Journal, 1895-1904. The founder of Zionism speaks). Selections made and introduced by Roger Errera, preface by Catherine Nicault, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, coll. Diaspora, 1990.
“Recent Developments in the French Law of the Press in Comparison with Britain”, in D. Kingsford-Smith et Dawn Oliver (dir.), Economical with the Truth: The Law and the Media in a Democratic Society, Oxford, ESC Publishing Ltd, 1990, p. 67-83.
“The Freedom of the Press: The United States, France, and Other European Countries”, in Louis Henkin and Albert J. Rosenthal (dir.), Constitutionalism and Rights. The Influence of the United States Constitution Abroad, New York, Columbia University Press, 1990, p. 63-93.
« Vaclav Havel. Une morale de la liberté » (Vaclav Havel. Belief in freedom), Etudes, March 1990, p. 293-299.
« Sur les justes limites de la liberté d’expression » (The correct limits on freedom of expression), Esprit, December 1990, p. 82-94. (Article reprinted in Acta Humana, in Hungarian, 1996). See 1996.
Participation in the programme “Médiations” on telephone tapping, presented by François de Closets, TF1, 1990.
“Balancing Legitimate Rights: Freedom of the Press and Other Rights in French Law”, Communications Lawyer (Publication of the Forum on Communications Law, American Bar Association), vol. 9, n° 2, spring 1991, p. 13-16.
“Paramount Effect of Treaties”, Business Law Brief, May 1991.
“Racial Incitement and Group Libel in French Law: In Defence of Civility”, in Sandra Coliver (dir.), Striking a Balance. Hate Speech, Freedom of Expression and Non-discrimination, London, Article 19 / International Centre Against Censorship / Human Rights Centre / University of Essex, 1992, p. 144-158.
« La juridiction administrative française et l’application de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme » (The French administrative courts and the application of the European Convention on Human Rights), Etudes & Documents du Conseil d’Etat, 1992, p. 325-332.
“Paramount effect of EC Directives”, Business Law Brief, April 1992.
“Commission’s PVC Decision Ruled Non Existent”, Business Law Brief, May1992.
“Campaign for Sumatriptan Rebuked”, Business Law Brief, October 1992.
“Free Movement of Persons, Human Rights & Judicial Policy: Assessment & Prospects. French Law & Practice”, in H. G. Schermers et al. (dir.), Free Movement of Persons in Europe, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1993, p. 319-332.
“France”, in Press Law and Practice. A Comparative Study of Press Freedom in European and Other Democracies, London, An Article 19 Report, 1993, p. 57 et seq.
“French Law and Racial Incitement: On the Necessity and Limits of the Legal Responses”, in Louis Greenspan and Cyril Levitt (dir.), Under the Shadow of Weimar. Democracy, Law, and Racial Incitement in Six Countries, Westport (Connecticut), Praeger, 1993, p. 39-62.
“Compensation for Breach of EC Law”, Business Law Brief, April 1993.
« Le respect, catégorie juridique » (Respect, a legal category), Autrement, n° 10, 1993, p. 146-161.
« La conscience, la mémoire et la justice » / « Conscience, mémoire, justice » (Conscience, memory and justice), speech at Salzburg Conference on Justice in Times of Transition, Salzburg Seminar and The Charter Seventy-Seven Foundation (New York), Salzburg, 7-10 March 1992, Evropské a Mezinarodni Pravo (EMP) (in Czech with French parallel text), Rocnik II, Cislo 3, 1993, Utrecht, p. 26-27.
« Le respect, catégorie juridique » (Respect, a legal category) (in Czech), Prostor, Rocnik VII, c. 1/94, p. 67-71. (Translation of the article which first appeared in Autrement, n° 10, 1993, p. 146-161). See 1993.
« Le rôle de la cour constitutionnelle dans l’interprétation du droit international dans le cadre d’un système de droit interne » (The role of the constitutional court in interpreting international law within the context of a domestic law system). Report to Séminaire UniDem “Les rapports entre le droit international et le droit interne” (The connections between international and domestic law), Warsaw, 19-21 May 1993, in Conseil de l’Europe. Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit, Actes du colloque. Strasbourg, Les éditions du Conseil de l’Europe, 1994, p. 40-52.
« La Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme et les limites de la liberté d’expression. Réflexions sur de singulières variations » (The European Court of Human Rights and the limits of freedom of expression. Reflections on unusual variations), Gazette du Palais, n° 172-173. Gazette européenne, n° 10, 21-22 June 1995, p. 37-42.
“EEC Anti-Fraud Action at Last”, Financial Times Business Law Europe, 11 September 1995, 2 p.
“Privacy as a Right”, in AndrásSajó (dir.), Western Rights? Post-Communist Application, introduction by Joseph Raz, London / Boston / The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1996, p. 31-38.
“Who Is a Refugee? (Agents of Persecution: Avoidance of Military Service and Desertion; Attacks on Basic Rights of Women)”, in Asylum Law. Reports and papers delivered at the first International Conference on “Asylum Law and Procedures”, Inner Temple, London, 1-2 December 1995, ILPA (Immigration Law Practitioners Association), London, 1996, p. 9-16.
“Combating Fraud, Judicial Matters and Police Cooperation”, in J.A. Winter, D.M. Curtin, A. E. Kellermann and B. de Witte (dir.), Reforming the Treaty on European Union - The Legal Debate, The Hague / Boston / London, Kluwer Law International, 1996, p. 407-427.
« La fin d’un songe. L’avis de la Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes sur l’adhésion de la Communauté à la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme » (The end of a dream. The opinion of the European Court of Justice on the [European] Community’s compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights), Gazette du Palais. Gazette européenne, n° 336-338, 1-3 December 1996, p. 11-14.
« Les justes limites de la liberté d’expression » (The correct limits on freedom of expression), Acta Humana, Budapest, 1996. (Translation in Hungarian of an article published in Esprit, December 1990, p. 82-94). See 1990.
« Extradition et droits de l’homme » (Extradition and human rights), in Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, 1995, vol. VI-2, The Protection of Human Rights in Europe, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1997, p. 245-305.
“Persecution for Reasons of Religion”, in Refugee and Asylum Law. Assessing the Scope for Judicial Protection. IARLJ / International Association of Refugee Law Judges. Second Conference, Nijmegen, January 9-11 1997. Nederlands Centrum Buitenlanders, Nijmegen, 1997, p. 60-67.
“Group Libel, Hate Speech and other Fighting Words: Civility and the Uses of Law”, in Basil S. Markesinis (dir.), preface by Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Law Making, Law Finding and Law Shaping: The Diverse Influences. The Clifford Chance Lectures, Oxford, Oxford University Press, vol. 2, 1997, p. 43-51. [>text]
« Le procès de Nuremberg : un événement fondateur (1945-1996) » (The Nuremberg trials: a seminal event (1945-1996). Report at the international conference organised by the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC) and the Centre Rachi, at UNESCO, on “The trial of Nazi doctors at Nuremberg. Ethics, civic responsibility and a crime against humanity”, 7 and 8 December 1996, Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, n° 160, May-August 1997, p. 31-44. [>text]
“The States, the Churches and the State Schools in France. Country Report, France”, in Eibe Riedel (dir.), Öffentliches Schulwesen im Spannungsfeld von Staat und Kirche, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998, p. 89-106.
“Extradice a lidskàprava”, Evropské a Mezinarodni Pravo (EMP), Cislo 7/1998, p. 3-11. (Translation in Czech of “Extradition and human rights” followed by a French summary by the author). See 1997.
“Constructing a European Human Rights Order: The European Court of Human Rights”. Report presented in Vienna, Third Vienna Dialogue on Democracy, 26-29 June 1997, in Institutionalizing Horizontal Accountability: How Democracies Can Fight Corruption and the Abuse of Power, The International Forum for Democratic Studies (Washington, D.C.) and the Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna). See SSOAR (Social Science Open Access Repository), Vienna, March 1998. [Typed text, the personal archives of R. E., 23 p. + 3 p. discussion].
“France: National Security, Secret-Défense and Freedom of Expression”, in Sandra Coliver et al. (dir.), Secrecy and Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information, The Hague / Boston / London, Martinus Nijhoff, 1999, p. 269-288.
“France”, in R. Wallace and A. Brown (dir.), Asylum Practice and Procedure. Country Handbook, London, Trenton, 1999, p. 55-63.
“Freedom of Expression: a European View”, Roma Rights, n° 4, 1999, p. 27.
« Les limites d’une contrainte. L’exécution d’office dans le droit des étrangers » (The limits of constraint. Automatic enforcement in the right of foreigners), special issue “Puissance publique ou impuissance publique?” (Public power or powerlessness?), AJDA. Actualité juridique. Droit administratif, 20 July-20 August 1999, p. 49-52. (Translated into Czech in Evropské a Mezinarodni Pravo (EMP), Ročnik I., 1999, Čislo 9-10, p. 7-11). [>text]
“Interviewing Hannah Arendt”, Hannah Arendt Newsletter (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft), Universität Hannover & Hannah Arendt-Zentrum der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, n°2, December 1999, p. 52-56.
“On Human Rights and the Idea of a European Charter of Fundamental Rights”, in A.E. Kellermann, J.W. de Zwaan and J. Czuczai (dir.), EU Enlargement. The Constitutional Impact at EU and National Level, The Hague, TMC Asser Press, 2001, p. 25-34.
« L’avenir de la protection internationale » (The future of international protection), in The Changing Nature of Persecution, Institute of Public Law, International Association of Refugee Law Judges, Bern, 2001, p. 276-279.
« L’Islam dans la République. Rapport au Premier ministre 2000 » (Islam in the [French] Republic. Report to the Prime Minister 2000). Participated in producing the report as a council member from 1999 to 2002, Haut conseil à l’intégration, Paris, La Documentation française, 2001, 203 p. See also unpublished works 2000.
« Préface » (Preface) at the Open Society Institute, in Monitoring the EU Accession Process. Judicial Capacity, Budapest and New York, OSI, 2002, p. 7-8. [>text]
« La responsabilité disciplinaire des magistrats et celle du service public de la justice » (The disciplinary responsibility of judges and the responsibility of the public justice system), in L’éthique du juge (The ethics of the judge) (in Russian), Moscow, Académie russe de jurisprudence, 2002, p. 117-129.
« Droit national et droit international dans le droit français de l’extradition » (Domestic and international law in French extradition law), in Tradition und Weltoffenheit des Rechts. Festschrift für Helmut Steinberger, Berlin, Springer, 2002, p. 733-753.
« Le respect, catégorie juridique » (Respect, a legal category), in Catherine Audard (dir.), Le respect. De l’estime à la déférence : une question de limite, Paris, Editions Autrement, Série Morales, 2002, p. 146-161. See 1993 and1994.
« Les origines de la loi du 10 juillet 1991 (relative au secret des correspondances émises par la voie des communications électroniques) » (The origins of the French law of 10 July 1991 on the secrecy of correspondence made by electronic communication). Contribution to the tenth anniversary of the Commission, in Commission nationale de contrôle des interceptions de sécurité, 10ème rapport d’activité 2001, Paris, La Documentation française, 2002, p. 325 et seq.
« Les origines de la loi française du 10 juillet 1991 sur les écoutes téléphoniques » (The origins of the French law of 10 July 1991 on phone tapping), Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, n°5, 2003, p. 851-870. See 2002.
Jutta Limbach, Pedro Cruz Villalón, Roger Errera, Anthony Lester, Tamara Morshchakova, Stephen Sedley, Andrzej Zoll, in Judicial Independence: Law and Practice of Appointments to the European Court of Human Rights, London, Interights, May 2003.
« Les Droits de l’Homme dans l’Union Européenne. Acquis, réalités et perspectives » (Human rights in the European Union. Acceptance, reality and outlook), symposium on “La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne” (The charter of the fundamental rights of the European Union), organised by the Revue hellénique des droits de l’homme, Athens, 18 June 2002. Revue hellénique des droits de l’homme, tome V, n° 20, 2003, p. 1053-1068. [>text]
Hearing before the Sub-Committee (Law and Institutions) of the House of Lords, on EU law and the role of the European Court of Justice, London, 19 November 2003, in House of Lords, European Union Committee, The Future Role of the European Court of Justice. Report with Evidence, 6th Report of Session 2003-2004, HL Paper 47, London, The Stationery Office, p. 40 and 50.
Hearing before the fact-finding mission of the Assemblée nationale on the wearing of religious symbols at school, 28 October 2003, in a Report conducted on behalf of the fact-finding mission on the wearing of religious symbols at school by Jean-Louis Debré, president and rapporteur. Assemblée nationale, rapport n° 1275, 4 December 2003, 2 vol., II, p. 565-579. [>text]
« Signes religieux. Une loi inutile et nuisible » (Religious symbols. A useless and harmful law), Le Monde, 6 December 2003. [>text]
“The Use of Comparative Law Before the French Administrative Law Courts”, in Guy Canivet, Mads Andenasand Duncan Fairgrieve (dir.), Comparative Law before the Courts, London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2004, p. 153-163.
In honour of Fernand Grévisse. Preface by Louise Cadoux and Roger Errera, p. 5-6. « Présentation de deux articles de revue de Fernand Grévisse » (Presentation on two journal articles by Fernand Grévisse) by Roger Errera, p. 119-121. Paris, La Documentation française, 2004.
« A propos du foulard : liberté religieuse et paix sociale » (The headscarf: religious freedom and social calm), Istina (revue du Centre œcuménique Istina), XLIX, n° 2, April-June 2004, p. 133-139.
“French Law in Action”. These interviews about French administrative law are on video. They were produced by Claire Germain, librarian and lecturer in law at Edward Cornell Law School, Cornell University, Ithaca (New York), in February 2004. [>video 1 >video 2 >video 3 >video 4 >video 5 >video 6 >video 7 >video 8]
“Freedom of Speech in Europe”, in Georg Nolte (dir.), European and US Constitutionalism, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing / coll. Science and technique of democracy, n° 37, and Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 25-43. [>text]
“The Recruitment, Training, Evaluation, Career and Accountability of Members of the Judiciary in France”. Report at a symposium on “Recruitment, Professional Evaluation and Career of Judges and Prosecutors in Austria, Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Spain”, Centre for Judicial Studies, University of Bologna (Italy), 4 and 5 March 2005, in G. Di Federico (dir.), Recruitment, Professional Evaluation and Career of Judges and Prosecutors in Europe: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Spain, Bologna, IRSIG et CNR, 2005, p. 43-68. [>text]
« Liberté religieuse et laïcité. Pour une politique de paix civile » (Religious freedom and state secularism (laïcité). Towards a policy for civil peace), Études, n° 4035, November 2005, p. 475-486.
« L’application de la convention de l’ONU relative aux droits de l’enfant et l’incidence de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme sur les droits de l’enfant dans la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat » (The application of the UN Convention on the rights of the child and the effect of the European Convention on Human Rights on the rights of the child in the jurisprudence of the Conseil d’Etat), Revue universelle des droits de l’homme, vol. 17, n° 9-12, 30 December 2005, p. 329-337. [>text]
“The Concept of Membership of a Particular Social Group in Refugee Law”, in Pierre-Marie Dupuy et al. (dir.), Völkerrecht alsWertordnung. Common Values in International Law. Festschrift für / Essays in Honour of Christian Tomuschat, Kehl, N.P. Engel Verlag, 2006, p. 133-151. [>text]
“Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law and Refugee Law: The Three Pillars”, in The Asylum Process and the Rule of Law, International Association of Refugee Law Judges and Manak, New Delhi (India), 2006, p. 173-192. [>text]
« Le contrôle externe institutionnalisé : De la responsabilité des magistrats et du service public de la justice » (Institutionalised external control: on the responsibility of judges and the public justice system), in Guy Canivet, Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve (dir.), Independence, Accountability and the Judiciary, London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2006, p. 281-311.
« Hannah Arendt et le totalitarisme » (Hannah Arendt and totalitarianism), presentation given at the event “Hannah Arendt, la vie d’une Juive allemande” (Hannah Arendt, the life of a German Jew), organised at the MAHJ/ Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaïsme, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Hannah Arendt, MAHJ, Paris, 20 November 2006. [>video]
“The Relationship of Extradition Law in International Treaties with the European Arrest Warrant and its Application in France”, in E. Guild (dir.), Constitutional Challenges to the European Arrest Warrant, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, 2006, p. 141-162. [>text]
Hearing for the Commission for legal opinion on the relationship of religions to public authorities, presided by Jean-Pierre Machelon. Paris, Assemblée nationale, 24 February 2006, in Les relations des cultes avec les pouvoirs publics, Paris, La Documentation française, 2006.
“In Defence of Civility: Reflections on Hate-Speech and Group-Libel”, in Cyprus Institute of Mediterranean European & International Studies, The Cyprus Yearbook of International Relations 2007, Nicosia, Power Publishing, p. 159-168. [>text]
“The Directive on Minimum Standards for the Qualification as Refugees or as Persons in Need of International Protection and on the Content of the Protection Granted”, in Seminar on Current Asylum Issues and Human Rights. Seminar organised by the Polish judicial authorities (Warsaw regional administrative court) and UNHCR, Jablonna, Poland, 17-18 April 2007. Warsaw, 2007, p. 28-46. Presentation of a report on the directive of 29 April 2004 on the status of refugees and the international protection and guarantees contained in the European Convention on Human Rights, European Commission, Brussels (text in English). [>text]
“French Law”, letter to The Economist to correct the information provided in the article “The Stuff of Nightmares” (issue of 6 October 2007) relating to French penal law. The Economist, 3 November 2007.
« L’internationalisation du droit de l’extradition et l’avenir du contrôlejuridictionnel » (The internationalisation of extradition law and the future of judicial control), in Mélanges in honour of the president Bruno Genevois. Le dialogue des juges, Paris, Dalloz, 2008, p. 419-454.
« Sur l’indépendance et la responsabilité des magistrats » (The independence and responsibility of judges), in Simone Gaboriau et Hélène Pauliat (compilers), La responsabilité des magistrats, Limoges, Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2008, p. 77-105. See 2005. [>text]
« Conclusion » (Conclusion), in Jacqueline Lalouette et Christian Sorrel (dir.), Les lieux de culte en France 1905-2008, Paris, Letouzey et Ané, p. 337-347.
« La directive européenne du 29 avril 2004 sur le statut de réfugié, la protection internationale et les garanties contenues dans la Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme » (The European Directive of 29 April 2004 on the status of refugees, and the international protection and guarantees contained in the European Convention on Human Rights), Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, n° 74, 1 April 2008, p. 347-381.
“The Twisted Road from Prince Albert to Campbell and Beyond: Towards a Right of Privacy?”, in Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve (dir.), Tom Bingham and the Transformation of the Law (Collection in honour of Lord Bingham), Oxford, Oxford U. P., 2009, p. 373-403.
“The Implementation of the EAW [European Arrest Warrant] in France. Constitutional Issues and Scope of Judicial Review”, in Elspeth Guild and Luisa Marin (dir.), Still not Resolved? Constitutional Issues of the European Arrest Warrant, Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2009, p. 157-193.
« Sur le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature français : réflexions et perspectives » (The French Higher Council of the Judiciary: thoughts and opinions), Justice – Justiz – Giustizia. Die Schweizer Richterzeitung, issue titled “Les Conseils de la magistrature”, 2009/2. [>text]
Letter to Le Monde newspaper on the enquiry published on 11 November 2009 under the heading “Godard et la question juive”(Godard and the Jewish Question). Response from Véronique Maurus, ombudsman, under the heading”La question Godard” (The Godard question), Le Monde, 5 December 2009.
“The Right of Property and Freedom of Enterprise in French Constitutional Law”. Report to the symposium organised by the Institute of Law and Public Policy, within the XIIth International Forum on Constitutional Review, “Property Rights and Free Enterprise. Constitution in Practice”, Saint-Petersburg, 20-21 November 2009. Title in Russian, Institute of Law and Public Policy, Moscow, 2010, p. 160-181. [Typed text, the personal archives of R. E., 23 p.] [>text]
« Un nouveau domaine de responsabilité de l’Etat du fait du service public de la justice. La prison en justice » (A new area of responsibility for the State resulting from the public service of the legal system. The prison brought to justice), in Justices et droit du procès: du légalisme procédural à l’humanisme processuel. Mélanges en l’honneur de Serge Guinchard, Paris, Dalloz, 2010, p. 115-129.
« Le Haut Conseil à l’Intégration présidé par Roger Fauroux (1999-2001) » (The French High Council for Integration presided over by Roger Fauroux (1999-2001)), in 1990-2010. 20 ans au service de l’intégration, Paris, La Documentation française, 2010, p. 15-16.
“Bernard Faÿ and Alfred Fabre-Luce”. Letters to the editor, Times Literary Supplement, 22 October 2010, in connection with the review of the biography of Alfred Fabre-Luce by Daniel Garbe, Ibid., 8 October 2010. Response from John Rogister, Ibid., 29 October 2010.
“Law, Memory and History: on the Politics of Memory”, in Life and Philosophy. Essays to Honour Alan Montefiore on His 85th Birthday. Oxford, FEP (Federation of European Publishers) Publishers, 2011, p. 277-283.
« Le cas Hannah Arendt » (The Hannah Arendt case), in M. I. Brudny et J.-M. Winkle (dir.), Destin de la « banalité du mal », Paris, Editions de l’Eclat, 2011, p. 176-178. (Reprint of the article published in L’Arche, December 1966. See 1966).
Professor Jeffrey Jowell QC and Roger Errera, “The Launch of the Bingham Center for the Rule of Law”, European Human Rights Law Review, Issue 1 2011, p. 1-5.
“The CJEU and Subsidiary Protection: Reflections on Elgafaji (decision from the Court of Justice of the European Union, 17 February 2009) and After”, IJRL (International Journal of Refugee Law), vol. 23, n° 1, March 2011, p. 93-112.
“France-Ban on Wearing Burqa in Public (With Exception for Public Religious Places) Upheld by Conseil Constitutionnel, Decision n° 2010-613, October 7, 2010, Journal officiel, October 12, 2010, p. 18345”, Public Law, April 2011, p. 429-431.
“Cessation and Assessment of New Circumstances: a Comment on Abdulla, CJEU, 2 March 2010”, IJRL (International Journal of Refugee Law), vol. 23, n°3, October 2011, p. 521-537. [>text]
« Vaclav Havel et le sens de la liberté » (Vaclav Havel and the meaning of freedom), issued dedicated to “Vaclav Havel in memoriam”, AFTS L’Amitiéfranco-tchécoslovaque, Nancy, n° 1, January 2012, p. 10-11. [>text]
“Jan Vladislav”, speech given at the Czech Cultural Centre in Paris, “Dedications to Jan Vladislav (1923-2009)”, 16 December 2009, AFTS L’Amitié franco-tchécoslovaque, Nancy, n° 2, March 2012, p. 2-5. [>text]
Interview with Roger Errera by Vaclav Richter for the funeral in Prague of Jan Vladislav (1923-2009), Czech writer and poet. Radio-Prague International, 14 March 2009. [>podcast]
Et ce sera justice… Le juge dans la cité, Paris, Gallimard, coll. le débat, 2013, 390 p. [>cover]
Review by Serge Guinchard of Roger Errera’s book “Et ce sera justice… Le juge dans la cité”, Gazette du Palais - Edition professionnelle, n° 27 à 29, 27 to 29 January 2013, p. 17-21. [>text (article reproduced with the kind consent of the journal)]
Review by Jean-Paul Jean of Roger Errera’s book “Et ce sera justice… Le juge dans la cité”, La Quinzaine littéraire, p. 26.[>text (article reproduced with the kind consent of the journal)]
« La France a-t-elle une justice moderne ? » (Does France have a modern justice system ?) Interview with Monique Canto-Sperber, Questions d’éthique, France-Culture, 14 March 2013. [>podcast]
“The European Court of Human Rights and Interim Measures: Scope of Powers and Issues for Domestic Courts”, in Asher Grunis, Eliezer Rivlin, Michael Karayanni (dir.), Shlomo Levin Book. Essays in Honour of Justice Shlomo Levin, Nevo Publishing House Ltd with The Harry & Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research & Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2013, p. 719-744. (Revised and annotated version of the speech given at XIIIth Forum on Constitutional Review, Institute of Law & Public Policy, Saint-Petersburg, 18-20 November 2010). See unpublished works 2010.
“Roger Errera. France – Lawyer”, in Justice: Faces of the Human Rights Revolution. Photographs by Mariana Cook. Bologna, Damiani, 2013, p. 76-77.
“Interview by Roger Errera (Un certain regard, ORTF TV, France, October 1973)” translated by Andrew Brown, in Hannah Arendt: The Last Interview and Other Conversations, Melville House Books, Brooklyn and London, 2013, p. 109-133.
« Les juges et la prison : les raisons et les conséquences de leur intervention » (Judges and prison: the reasons for and consequences of their intervention). Tribune, Les Cahiers de la justice, 2013/4, p. 7-16.
« Hannah Arendt et le procès Eichmann. La controverse » (Hannah Arendt and the Eichmann trial. The controversy), La fabrique de l’histoire, France-Culture, 7 May 2013. [>podcast]
« Le droit des réfugiés et de l’asile concernant les femmes : l’apport du droit humanitaire international, du droit international des droits de l’homme et du droit pénal international » (Refugee and asylum rights for women: the contribution of international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international criminal law), in Droit répressif au pluriel : droit interne, droit international, droit européen, droits de l’homme. Liber amicorum en l’honneur de Renée Koering-Joulin, Bruxelles, Nemesis, 2014, p. 205-229.
« Introduction historique » (Historical background) at the symposium « Dieu et mon droit. Religion, société et Etat. Quelques problems d’aujourd’hui » (God and my rights. Religion, society and State. A few of today’s problems), Association des juristes franco-britanniques, Paris, 27 September 2013, Revue internationale de droit comparé, n° 3, July-September 2014, p. 663-670. [>text (article reproduced with the kind permission of the publisher)]
« La protection des droits fondamentaux, la démocratie et l’Etat de droit dans l’Union européenne : rapport sur la France » (The protection of fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law in the European Union: report on France), Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, n° 101, 1 January 2015, p. 9-23.
Unpublished works
Held in the personal archives of Roger Errera and/or added to the National Archives (The Roger Errera collection is currently being catalogued)
Rapporteur for the cinema group, Commissariat général du plan d’équipement et de la productivité. Commission de l’équipement culturel et du patrimoine artistique, 1964. [R.E. collection]
« La place du cinéma dans la situation culturelle des pays en voie de développement » (Cinema’s place in the culture of developing countries), symposium on « Le rôle du cinéma, de la télévision et de la radio dans la compréhension internationale » (The role of cinema, television and radio in international understanding), Syndicat international des auteurs de radio, cinéma et télévision et sa section américaine, New York, 6-9 October 1966. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 9 p. +2 p. of notes].
« La réaction des autorités britanniques devant les pratiques constatées en Ulster » (The reaction of the British authorities to the practices observed in Ulster), symposium on « La torture aujourd’hui » (Torture today), Amicale des magistrats résistants / Syndicat de la magistrature / Barreau de Paris, Cour de cassation, Paris, 3 and 4 June 1972. [R.E. collection]
« La littérature de l’Europe de l’Est et nous » (Eastern European literature and us), presentation at the Biennale de Venise held from15 November to 15 December 1977, at “Il dissenso culturale”, Venice, 1 December 1977. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 7 p. including notes.]
« Sur la liberté d’expression en France. Essai de réflexion » (On freedom of expression in France. Reflections), symposium organised by Sterling Currier Fund and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia Law School, « La France et les Etats-Unis : Perspectives sur les Droits de l’Homme », Paris, Reid Hall, 18 and 19 December 1979. [Duplicated text, R. E. personal archives, 53 p. + 10 p. of notes].
« L’apport des institutions européennes à la définition et à la garantie des droits de l’homme » (The contribution of European institutions to defining and guaranteeing human rights), symposium « Le concept des droits de l’homme est-il un concept universel ? » (Is the concept of human rights a universal concept?), Goethe Institut / Bayerische Rundfunk / France-Culture, Abbaye de Royaumont, Asnières-sur-Oise (Val d’Oise), 14-17 May 1980. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 19 p.]
« La liberté comme idéal et force politique » (Freedom as an ideal and a political force), conference held at the Forum européen d’Alpbach (where R. E. replaced Robert Badinter, Minister of Justice), 26 August 1983. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 12 p.]
« La repression enTchécoslovaquie contre les opposants : un exemple » (Repression in Czechoslovakia against opponents: an example), text of the speech given to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights – R.E. was a member from 1982 to 1986 – during the second regular report presented by Czechoslovakia, Geneva, 10 July 1986. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 4 p.] Text of address given to the dinner of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, 22 July1986, on the requirement of independent experts to use genuine language. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 2 p.]
Statement given by R.E., conseillerd’Etat, Vice-president of the Amis sans frontières association, in Prague, 7 April1990, at the reception organised by the Collegium pour la promotion de la science, de l’art et de l’enseignement. [Original text, R. E. personal archives, 4 p.]
« La protection des droits de l’homme : droit national et droit international » (Protection of human rights: domestic and international law), speech at the session on “The international protection of human rights”, Salzburg Seminar in American Studies, Salzburg, 1992. [Handwritten text in memory of Professor Jan Patočká (1907-1977), R. E. personal archives, 35 pages. Another similar typewritten text exists: “La protection internationale des droits de l’homme en Europe occidentale et la Tchécoslovaquie” (The international protection of human rights in western Europe and Czechoslovakia), R. E. personal archives, 37 p.]
« La conscience, la mémoire et la justice » (Conscience, memory and justice), seminar “Salzburg Conference on Justice in Times of Transition”, Salzburg Seminar and The Charter Seventy-Seven Foundation (New York), Salzburg, 7-10 March 1992. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 2 p.]
“EEC Law and Administrative Liability: The Progeny of Francovich (decision of the European Court of Justice, Francovich v. Italian Republic, 11 November 1991)”, speech made at a meeting between a delegation from the Conseil d’Etat and English judges, London, 11 June 1993. [Typewritten text in English, R. E. personal archives, 11 p.]
« Mémoire et histoire: sur deux fardeaux » (The two burdens of memory and history), speech within the session “Justice in transition” – R. E. was an advisory member –, at the international conference, “Democracy and Decommunization: Disqualification Measures in Eastern and Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, Charter 77 Foundation, which in 1993 became The Foundation for a Civil Society –, Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice, 15 November 1993. [Handwritten text in French, R. E. personal archives, 14 p.]
“History and Memory”, speech at the Northern Ireland Seminar “Constitutional Protection of Human Rights”, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 6-8 December 1993. [Handwritten text in French, R. E. personal archives, 16 p.]
“The European Court of Justice: Case Law Relating to Non-EC Nationals”, speech at the conference, “Democratic and Judicial Control of the Harmonisation of EC Immigration Law”, ILPA (Immigration Law Practitioners Association), London, 29-30 January 1993. [R.E. collection]
“Privacy as a Right”, symposium on “The Meaning of Rights in the Former Soviet Bloc Countries”, Budapest, June 1994. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 6 p. + 2 p. of notes].
Report in his capacity as member of the mission to assess the compatibility of Estonia’s legislation with the Copenhagen criteria, within a joint Council of Europe and European Commission initiative. Tallinn (Estonia), 1995. [R.E. collection]
Report on « Les voies de droit et les types d’actions ouvertes en droit administratif » (Judicial remedies and the types of action available in administrative law) at the first France-Israel law symposium (Conseil d’Etat / Cour de cassation / Supreme Court of Israel), Jerusalem, 22-26 January 1995. [R.E. collection, 36 p.]
“The Wearing of Religious Insignia in State Schools in France. Legal Issues”, speech to the Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 24 January 1995. [R.E. collection]
« Les aspects juridiques internationaux, 1907-1994 » (Aspects of international law, 1907-1994), seminar on “Les camps de concentration, phénomène du XXème siècle” (Concentration camps, a twentieth century phenomenon), CNRS / Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales / Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Sorbonne, Paris, 15-17 June 1995. [R.E. collection]
“Freedom of Religion and of Conscience: Recent Developments in French and European Law”, speech at the Heidelberger Kolloquien, Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg (Germany), 14 December 1995. [R.E. collection]
Participation in the mission to assess the compatibility of Latvian legislation on human rights with the European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe/ Human Rights Directorate, Riga, 1996. [R.E. collection]
« Droit européen des droits de l’homme et ordre juridique français. Bilan et perspectives » (European human rights law and the French legal system. Summary and outlook), speech to the Association Masaryk, Prague, 17 January 1996. [R.E. collection]
« Les atteintes à la vie privée » (Attacks on privacy), speech at the conference on “Le droit de la presse” (The right of the press), Barreau de Paris / Institut de formation continue, Paris, 4 February 1996. [R.E. collection]
« Les droits fondamentaux dans l’ordre juridique communautaire » (Fundamental rights in the European Community legal system), speech to a Franco-Czech seminar on “The application of Community law by the domestic judge”, Prague, 3-4 October 1996. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 12 p.]
Report from the delegation to evaluate the draft law of the Srpska Republik on internal affairs and public order. Conseil de l’Europe/ Direction des affaires juridiques, 1997. [R.E. collection]
“Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Public Management”. Revised and expanded version of a paper presented at OECD/ PUMA Seminar on “Public Management Theory”, Paris, 14 January 1997. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 9 p.].
« Des justes limites à la liberté d’expression : le discours raciste » (The correct limits for freedom of expression: racist speech), international symposium on « Discours raciste et liberté d’expression. Problèmes juridiques et philosophiques », Association des Amis de l’Institut hongrois et Goethe Institut, avec le concours de la Fondation Soros de Budapest, de l’UNESCO et de Medimpex France, Institut hongrois, Paris, 9 and 10 May 1997. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 26 p.]
« Cadres juridiques, institutions et systèmes de gestion nécessaires pour promouvoir l’éthique dans la fonction publique » (Legal frameworks, institutions and management systems required to promote ethical behaviour in public institutions). Report to the international seminar « Les structures normatives et institutionnelles visant à promouvoir l’éthique dans la fonction publique », OECD/ SIGMA, Paris, 5 November1997. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 12 p.]
Participation in the evaluation of Croatian legislation concerning public meetings and demonstrations, at the request of the Legal Affairs Department at the Council of Europe. Presented a written report in 1998. Participated in a meeting of experts in Strasbourg in 1999. [R.E. collection]
« Liberté religieuse et société politique » (Religious freedom and political society), speech at a seminar organised by Catherine Audard (Visiting Fellow in moral and political philosophy at LSE) on « Citoyenneté et individualité morale », Collège de philosophie, Paris, 20 March 1998. [R.E. collection]
“Freedom of Expression in French Law”, speech at the National University of Ireland, Galway, 20 April 1998. [R.E. collection]
« La procedure d’élaboration des normes juridiques en France et le rôle du Conseil d’Etat » (Procedure for the development of legal standards in France and the role of the Conseil d’Etat) and « La participation des institutions publiques françaises à l’élaboration et à la transposition des normes communautaires dans le droit français » (The participation of French public institutions in the development and transposition of EU Community standards into French law), speeches given as part of a delegation to the Czech legislative Council at the invitation of M. Philippe Coste, the French Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Prague, 27-29 April 1998. [« Mission auprès du Conseil législatif tchèque », typed note by R. E., 9 May 1998, R. E. personal archives, 2 p.]
“A Comparative Study of Different Court Cultures in Europe”, speech at the seminar on “The Independence of Courts”, Institut européen d’administration publique (Luxembourg), Stockholm, 26 May 1998. [R.E. collection]
« Les incidences de la construction communautaire en matière d’immigration et d’asile » (The impact of the EU Community structure on immigration and asylum), speech at the session “Judges and EU law”, OECD/ PHARE, Prague, 3 November 1998. [R.E. collection, 39 p.]
« Mémoire, histoire et justice dans les sociétés divisées. Le dialogue inachevé entre Mnémosyne et Clio » (Memory, history and justice in divided societies. The incomplete dialogue between Mnemosyne and Clio), speech at the international conference on « The development of constitutions. Conflict and transition periods in divided societies », the Cunliffe Centre for the Study of Constitutionalism, University of Sussex and the Initiative on Conflict Resolution, University of Ulster, Bellagio (Italy), 15-19 February 1999. [Typed text in English, R. E. personal archives, 18 p. + Accord sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie (préambule), in French as an appendix].
“The Willingness of National Courts to Ask for Preliminary Rulings. The Handling in Practice of the Acte Clair - Doctrine. A Perspective from One of the Old Member States (France)”, speech at the seminar, “Four Years in European Union - the Experiences of the Judiciaries in the New Member States”, Institut européen d’administration publique, Luxembourg, 26-28 April 1999. [R.E. collection]
« Le contrôle juridictionnel des actes de l’administration. Droit administratif et système judiciaire. Leur rôle dans la mise en œuvre de l’acquis communautaire par les pays d’Europe centrale et orientale » (Judicial control of administrative laws. Administrative law and the judicial system. Their role in implementing the EU Community’s established laws and practices by Central and Eastern Europe), OECD, no date [R.E. collection]
« Les développements récents du droit français concernant les étrangers : droit des réfugiés et de l’asile ; extradition ; refus de visa », (Recent developments in French law on foreigners: the right of refugees and asylum; extradition; visa refusals), speech at one of the regular meetings (held since 1986) between a delegation from the Conseil d’Etat and English administrative law judges from the House of Lords and the High Court, London, 25-26 October 1999. [R.E. collection, 10 p.]
Participation in the evaluation of Serb legislation on Kosovo regarding domestic affairs and public order, in relation to the UNMIK mandate, at the request of the Legal Affairs Directorate of the Council of Europe following a request from the Special Representative of the UN in Kosovo. Participation in a meeting of experts in Strasbourg, no date. [R.E. collection]
Hearing by the Commission Canivet, commissioned by the (French) Minister of Justice to study the improvement of the external controls of prison establishments: report to the Minister of Justice, 10 December 1999. Paris, La Documentation française. Rapport public, 1 January 2000. [Typed text of the hearing, by the prison authorities department of the Ministry of Justice, R.E. personal archives, 14 p. + 3 p. of questions by the Commission members to R. E.]
“The Main Characters of French Extradition Law”, speech at the Ministry of Justice, Jerusalem, 2000. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 26 p.]
« Justice et Etat de droit » (Justice and the rule of law), speech at the summer school « Etat, droit et justice. Le triomphe des sociétés libérales au regard de la tradition » (The state, law and justice. The triumph of liberal societies in view of tradition), aimed at Czech and Slovak academics, Association Jan Hus et Agence universitaire de la francophonie, Paris, July 2000. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 3 p.]
Participation in a seminar organised in Moscow by the OECD and the EU – in the context of SIGMA – and the legal services of the President’s Office of the Federation of Russia, on administrative law, administrative procedure and the judicial control of the administration. Presentation of a report on administrative procedure, 10 October 2000. [R.E. collection]
« L’Islam dans la République » (Islam in the Republic [of France]). Participation in the creation of a report as a member of the Conseil from 1999 to 2002, Haut conseil à l’intégration. [Mimeographed document, November 2000, R.E. personal archives, 76 p. + annexes]. See 2001 publications.
« La protection de la vie privée en droit public français » (The protection of privacy in French public law), report at the third legal Franco-Israeli colloquium (Conseil d’Etat/French Court of Cassation/Supreme Court of Israel) –meetings set up in 1995, which incorporated the French Constitutional Court from 2004, Jerusalem, 24 January 2001. [R.E. collection, 14 p. + handwritten notes]
“The Recruitment, Training and Appointment of the Members of the Judiciary in France: the Law and Practice”, speech to members of the “Committee of 9”, Supreme Court of Israel, Jerusalem, 25 January 2001. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 12 p.]
“The Borders of Privacy: Personality Rights in Comparison”. Report at the conference “Privacy in Post-Communist Europe”, 9th Social Research Conference, Central European University, Budapest, 23-24 March 2001. [R.E. collection]
“Recent Developments in French & European Extradition law”, speech at the Internal Criminal Law Association Conference, London, 15 June 2001. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 44 p.]
« Le STIC (Système de traitement des infractions constatées) / Histoire et contenu d’une réglementation négociée » (Offence processing system (STIC)/ history and content of a negotiated regulation), speech at the 23rd international conference of Data Protection Commissioners, on « Des projets et des hommes » (Projects and humans), Sorbonne, Paris, 24-26 September 2001. [Mimeographed text, R.E. personal archives, 8 p. + annex]. [>text]
Presentation of CSM (Conseil supérieur de la magistrature) to the Legal Affairs Commission of the Swiss Conseil des Etats (Upper chamber of the Swiss federal parliament), Bern, 2 October 2001. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 27 p.]
“Improving the Efficiency of Justice”, speech to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), Washington DC, October 2001. [R.E. collection]
« L’action de l’administration et les citoyens : contexte général, principes et règles » (The interaction of the Administration and citizens: background, principles and rules). Study carried out as a consultant for the OECD/ PUMA and OECD/ SIGMA programmes, during 2001. [R.E. collection]
Statement to the working group responsible for preparing the directive on recognising the status of refugees. Editing of the report. The European Commission, Brussels, 2001. [R.E. collection] See 2007 publications.
Participation in the third mission to evaluate legal institutions. Presentation of a written report on the recruitment, training and assessment of judges, the management of courts and international judicial cooperation. European Commission/ Ministry of Justice and Domestic Affairs, Tallinn (Estonia), 2002. [R.E. collection]
« Il caso francese », colloquium « Sistemi di autogoverno della magistratura. A confronto : Francia, Italia, Spagna », Associazione di cultura politica « Europa popolare », Palazzo Marino, Rome, 30 January 2002. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 10 p.]
« Le Conseil supérieur de la magistrature français, institution constitutionnelle et judiciaire » (The French High Council of the Judiciary, a constitutional and judicial institution), speech to the Masaryk Association, Charles University, Prague, 25 March 2002. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 26 pages].
« Histoire et mémoire » (History and memory), speech at The Prague Society for International Cooperation. Prague, March 2002. [Handwritten text in English, R.E. personal archives, 37 p.]
Participation in the preparatory meeting for the publication in London by Interights, in May 2003, of Judicial Independence: Law and Practice of Appointments to the European Court of Human Rights, by Jutta Limbach et al. Comments on the draft report. Association Interights, Consultation Group Meeting, London, 14 February 2003. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 4 p.] See 2003 publications.
“Judicial Accountability and State Liability: French Perspectives”, speech to the session, “Accountability and the Independence of the Judiciary”, International Association of Constitutional Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 14 June 2003. [R.E. collection]
« Les soins dispensés malgré son refus au patient hospitalisé. Le cas des transfusions sanguines effectuées dans les hôpitaux publics » (Care given to a hospitalised patient despite their refusal to accept it. The case of blood transfusions in public hospitals), speech to the Franco-British Judicial Cooperation Committee, London, 2-4 October 2003. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 8 p.]
« Le contrôle externe institutionnalisé : déontologie, discipline, responsabilité » (Institutionalised external control : ethics, discipline, responsibility), speech at the colloquium « Rendre compte de la qualité de la justice » (Report on the quality of justice), Association des juristes franco-britanniques / Franco-British Lawyers Society, Cour de cassation, Paris, 14 November 2003. [R.E. collection]
“The Influence of Constitutional and International Law on the Scope and Substance of Judicial Review”, speech at the 15th Annual Judicial Review Conference 2003, London, 19 December 2003. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 15 p.]
“Report on the Draft Macedonian Law on Personal Data Protection”. Continuation of the mission organised by Thalès for the European Commission, started in 2003 (first report, October 2003), at Skopje (Macedonia), concerning the draft Macedonian law on personal data protection, 21 March 2004. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 21 p.]
« Le CSM et l’indépendance des juges » (The Conseil supérieur de la magistrature and the independence of judges), speech to a Chinese delegation of judges, Conseil d’Etat, Paris, 7 June 2004. [R.E. collection, 33 handwritten pages].
« Réflexions sur la notion juridique de laïcité. Laïcité et liberté religieuse en France : réflexions d’un juriste » (Reflections on the judicial concept of laïcité (state secularism). Laïcité and religious freedom in France: reflections of a jurist), speech at the study session on « Comprendre la laïcité aujourd’hui » (Understanding laïcité today), Communion oratorienne, Bordeaux, 10-12 July 2004. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 16 p.]
Speech given when R.E. was awarded (as a non-Czech national) the Antonín Randa silver medal by the Association of Czech Lawyers (1868), Prague, 26 October 2004. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 3 p.]
“Note on the CEELI (Central and Eastern European Law Initiative Institute) Judicial Studies Program/Judicial Integrity in a Healthy Society”, followed by “Note on the baselines and guidelines relating to the assessment of national integrity systems in four countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Turkey)” (10 December 2004), relating to a training project from the CEELI Institute, 2004-2007, Prague. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 4 p. and 9 p. respectively]
« La CEDH et le droit applicable aux réfugiés et aux étrangers » (The ECHR and law on refugees and foreigners), speech to the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto (Canada), March 2005. [R.E. collection]
“Apologies, Memory and History: a View from France”, speech to the Department of History, University of Toronto, March 2005. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 118 p.]
“Application of Article 9 ECHR [European Convention of Human Rights] in French and English Law: How Deep Is the Channel?”, speech at the conference on “European Influences on Public Law: 5 years of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the UK and Recent developments in France”, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 7 October 2005. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 17 p.] [>text]
“Preliminary Statement on the Limitation of Liberties and the Rule of Law in Emergency Situations”, speech to the British delegation from the House of Lords and House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights, Conseil d’Etat, Paris, 12 and 13 December 2005. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 11 p.]
Presentation of the book from Jean Dujardin, L’Eglise catholique et le peuple juif. Un autre regard, Calmann-Lévy, « Diaspora » collection, 2003, at the new release of the edition. Introduction by R.E., MAHJ / Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme, Paris, 12 January 2006. [Typed text and handwritten notes, R.E. personal archives, 10 p.] [>video]
“Hate-Speech and Group-Libel”, speech to the Open Society Institute (OSI)/Justice Initiative Board Meeting, The Hague (The Netherlands), 16 February 2006. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 7 p.]
« Le droit administratif et le contrôle juridictionnel des décisions administratives en France » (Administrative law and judicial control of administrative decisions in France), speech at a training session for judges and senior Iraqi officials within the context of the Mission Eurojust Lex of the European Council, Ecole nationale de la magistrature, Bordeaux, 10 May 2006. [R.E. collection, typed text, 21 p.]
“European Judges and the Challenge of the New Global Legal Landscape”, speech at the annual conference of the American Association of Law Libraries, Saint-Louis (Missouri), US, 9 July 2006. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 7 p.] [>text]
« Lutte contre le terrorisme et libertésfondamentales » (Anti-terrorism and fundamental freedoms), speech at the Open Society Institute during the debate on “The protection of fundamental rights in the ‘war on terrorism’: US and European perspectives”, New York, 13 July 2006. [>text]
« Mémoire, histoire, droit et justice. Réflexions d’un Européen » (Memory, history, law and justice. Thoughts from a European), speech at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 5 December 2006. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 45 p.]
« Lois anciennes et lois nouvelles au sujet des injustices historiques et des génocides : la mémoire, l’histoire et le droit dans la France d’aujourd’hui » (Old and new laws in relation to historic injustices and genocides: memory, history and law in today’s France), speech at the Faculty of Law, Stanford University (California), US, 24 May2007. Speech on the same subject at the History Department of the same university, May 2007. [Typed text in French, R.E. personal archives, 56 p., text in English, 43 p.] [>text]
« Sur quelques limites de la liberté d’expression en droit français » (Some restrictions on freedom of expression in French law), speech at the international conference on « Freedom of expression and its limits. Penal law and freedom of expression in Turkey and in European Union countries », Fondation F. Ebert and Faculty of Law Bilgi University, Istanbul, 8 June 2007. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 13 p.] [>text]
“The Truth about the Independence of Judges: Reflections on Power-Sharing” et « La réalité de l’indépendance des juges de la juridiction administrative » (The reality of the independence of judges in administrative jurisdictions), speeches at the Franco-British Judicial Cooperation Committee colloquium on the independence of judges, Belfast, 2007. [Typewritten text in French, R.E. personal archives, 5 p.] [>text]
“The Fight against Terrorism and Civil Liberties”, speech to Interights, London, October 2007. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 8 p.]
“Domestic Courts and International Law. The Law and Practice in France. General Aspects and recent Developments”, “International Law in Domestic Courts Colloquium”, Amsterdam Center for International Law, Amsterdam, 27-28 March 2008. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 18 p.]
« Sur la création d’une école européenne des professions du droit » (The creation of a European law school), report to the Fondation pour le droit continental, Paris, 30 June 2008. [R.E. collection]
“The Independence and the Accountability of the Judiciary”, speech at the Czech Supreme Administrative Court, Brno (Czech Republic), 16 June 2009. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 22 p.]
« Le discours raciste et xénophobe : sur la juste part du droit » (Racist and xenophobic speech: balancing the law), speech to a vocational training session on « Racism and anti-semitism in France », ENM (Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature), Paris, 17-18 September 2009. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 4 p.]
“The Implementation of the Serious and Individual Threat Provision of Article 15-c of the Qualification Directive in France [European Directive of 29 April 2004 on the status of refugees]”, speech at the IARLJ (International Association of Refugee Law Judges), Berlin, 19 October 2009. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 13 p.]
“The ECJ and Subsidiary Protection: Reflections on Elgafaji (Decision from the European Court of Justice, 17 February 2009) - and after”, speech at the European Refugee Law Judges/ European Academy Workshop, Berlin, 19-20 October 2009. [Typewritten text, R. E. personal archives, 28 p.] “The Situation Post Elgafaji”. (See 2011 publications) [>text]
« Le rôle du Conseil constitutionnel français dans la protection des droits fondamentaux et des libertés » (The rôle of the French Conseil constitutionnel in protecting fundamental rights and freedoms), speech at the Saint Petersburg Academy of Law (Russia), 19 November 2009. [R.E. collection]
« Une école européenne des professions du droit : un objectif, à quelles conditions ? » (A European law school: an objective at what cost?), conference at the Club des juristes, Bourse du droit d’Assas, Université Paris II, Paris, 21 January 2009. [Handwritten text, R.E. collection]
Address at the ceremony presenting Mme Catherine Kessedjian, lecturer at the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Paris, with the Légion d’honneur, 4 February 2010. [>text]
« Laïcité, séparation, interventions de l’Etat et expressions religieuses en France. Développements récents » (Laïcité, separation and state intervention and religious expression in France. Recent developments), speech to the conference organised by the Scottish section of the Franco-British Lawyers Association on “State Intervention and Religious Manifestation”, Edinburgh, 27 May 2010. [R.E. collection]
“Violence, Law and Civility (and Free Speech)”. Commentary on the presentation by Timothy Garton Ash on “Free Speech: Old Principles, New Circumstances”, Dahrendorf Programme for the Study of Freedom, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 4-5 June 2010. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 15 p.]
« La Convention Européenne des Droits de l’Homme » (The European Convention on Human Rights), speech at the Faculty of Law, University of Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, 16 November 2010. “La Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme et les measures provisoires : étendue des pouvoirs et conséquences pour les juridictions nationales » (The European Court of Human Rights and interim measures: scope of powers and issues for domestic courts), speech at the international conference on « The European Convention on Human Rights and fundamental freedoms in the 21st century”, Institute of Law and Public Policy, Saint Petersburg, 18-20 November 2010. [R.E. collection]
“The European Court of Human Rights and Interim Measures: Scope of Powers and Issues for Domestic Courts”, revised and supplemented version of the report presented at the 13th Forum on Constitutional review, “The European Court of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the 21st Century. Problems and Prospects of Implementation”, Institute of Law and Public Policy, Saint Petersburg, 18-20 November 2010. (See 2013 publications)
« Réflexions sur l’évolution du droit de la presse et les limites légitimes de la liberté d’expression » (Reflections on the development of the press law and the legitimate limits of freedom of expression), speech to the vocational training session on « Le droit de la presse et la liberté d’expression » (The press law and freedom of expression), Ecole nationale de la magistrature, Paris, 29 November 2010. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 6 p.]
Address given by Roger Errera at the ceremony to launch the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, British Institute for International and Comparative Law, London, 6 December 2010. [Typed text, R.E. personal archives, 1 p.] [>text]
“Gender-Related Issues in Refugee and Asylum Law: Women”, speech at the International Association of Women Judges - Regional Conference for Europe and the Middle East, Budapest, 14-16 April 2011. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 18 p.]
“History, Memory and Law”. Opening address at the conference on “The legal problem of denialism” at the event to mark the publication of Genocide Denials and the Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, 6 May 2011. [Handwritten text, R.E. personal archives, 5 p.]
“Rule of Law, Etat de droit and Rechtsstaat: Convergence, Constitutional Identity”. Report at a seminar on “The international aspects of the rule of law”, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 17 June 2011. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 24 p.]
“On the Origins and Content of Article 9 of the Civil Code on the Right to Privacy”, “Respect for privacy and freedom of expression” colloquium, Franco-British Lawyers Association, London, 22-23 September 2011. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 14 p.]
“A New Supranational Court for Refugee and Asylum Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union. A Commentary of its Recent Case Law”, speech at the session on « Control of borders, national security and international protection: perspectives from the point of view of court proceedings », International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ), Bled (Slovenia), 7-9 September 2011. [>text]
“Educating the Judiciary: International Experience – France”. Report at the Global Symposium on Judicial and Legal Education, organised by Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre, Doha (Qatar), 7-9 March 2012. [>text]
Hearing by the Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH) in relation to three draft reforms relating to the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature (CSM), the respective competencies of the Ministry of Justice and the magistrats du parquet in regard to penal policy and public prosecution and the creation of a national centralised procureur de la République financier (special prosecutor for financial crimes), Paris, 22 May 2013. [Typed text, R. E. personal archives, 9 p.]
“The Use of Human Rights Instruments in the French Case Law Regarding Asylum and Refugee Law”, speech at the colloquium, “On the Borders of Refugee Protection? The Impact of Human Rights Law on Refugee Law, Comparative Practice and Theory”, School of Advanced Study, Human Rights Consortium. Refugee Law Initiative, University of London, London, 13 and 14 November 2013. [Typed text, R. E. personal archives, 13 p.]
“Diaspora” Collection
Editions Calmann-Lévy. Roger Errera was the founder and the managing editor from 1971 to 2014
The history of Jews in France
Jacques Adler, Face à la persécution. Les organisations juives à Paris de 1940 à 1944 (The Jews of Paris and the Final Solution. Communal Response and Internal Conflicts 1940-1944). 1985, 328 p.
Patrick Girard, Les Juifs en France de 1789 à 1860. De l’émancipation à l’égalité (Jews in France from 1789 to 1860. From Emancipation to Equality) 1976, 299 p.
Michaël R. Marrus, Les Juifs de France à l’époque de l’affaire Dreyfus. L’assimilation à l’épreuve (The Politics of Assimilation. A Study in the French Jewish Community at the time of the Dreyfus Affair). Preface by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. 1972, 348 p. Reprint Editions Complexe 1985
Michaël R. Marrus et Robert O. Paxton, Vichy et les Juifs (Vichy France and the Jews). 1981, 431 p. New edition 2015, 601 p.
David H. Weinberg, Les Juifs à Paris de 1933 à 1939 (A Community on Trial : the Jews of Paris in the 1930s). 1974, 286 p.
Israel and Zionism
Nahum Goldmann, Où va Israël ? (What is the future path of Israel?) 1975, 188 p.
Walter Laqueur, Histoire du sionisme (A History of Zionism). 1973, 687 p.
David Lazar, L’opinion française et la naissance de l’Etat d’Israël (French opinion and the birth of the State of Israel). Preface by René Rémond. 1972, 298 p.
Catherine Nicault, La France et le sionisme 1897-1948. Une rencontre manquée ? (France and Zionism, 1897-1948. A missed opportunity?) 1992, 319 p.
Amos Oz, Les voix d’Israël (Po Vecham Beeretz Israel Bestav). 1983, 212 p.
Amnon Rubinstein, Le rêve et l’histoire. Le sionisme, Israël et les Juifs (Me-Herzl ad Gouch Emounim Va. The Zionist Dream Revisited). 1985, 253 p.
IdithZertal, Des rescapés pour un Etat. La politique sioniste d’immigration clandestine en Palestine 1945-1948 (Survivors for a State. The Zionist policy of Clandestine Immigration in Palestine, 1945-1948). 2000, 388 p.
Religious philosophy
Jean Dujardin, L’Eglise catholique et le peuple juif. Un autre regard (The Catholic Church and the Jewish people. Another Point of View). 2003, 563 p.
Fadiey Lovsky, La déchirure de l’absence. Essai sur les rapports de l’Eglise du Christ et du peuple d’Israël (The Rupture of Absence. An Essay on the Connections between the Church of Christ and the People of Israel). 1971, 313 p.
André Neher, L’essence du prophétisme (The Essence of Prophecy). 1972, republished 1983 with a new preface, 322 p.
Gershom Scholem, Le messianisme juif. Essais sur la spiritualité du judaïsme (The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality). Preface by Bernard Dupuy. 1974, 504 p.
Gershom Scholem, Fidélité et utopie. Essais sur le judaïsme contemporain (Loyalty and Utopia. Essays on Contemporary Judaism). Preface by Bernard Dupuy. 1978, 282 p.
Michaël Walzer, De l’Exode à la liberté. Essai sur la sortie d’Egypte (Exodus and Revolution). 1986, 200 p.
Gershon Weiler, La tentation théocratique. Israël, la Loi et le politique (The Theocratic temptation. Israel, the Law and Politics). 1991, 360 p.
Major intellectual biographies
Jacques Petit, Bernanos, Bloy, Claudel, Péguy : quatre écrivains catholiques face à Israël (Bernanos, Bloy, Claudel, Péguy: Four Catholic Writers on Israel). 1972, 265 p.
Marthe Robert, D’Œdipe à Moïse. Freud et la conscience juive (From Oedipus to Moses. Freud and the Jewish Conscience). 1974, reprint of the “Pluriel” collection 1978, 278 p.
Marthe Robert, Seul, comme Franz Kafka (Alone, like Franz Kafka). 1979, reprinted 1985, 257 p.
Gershom Scholem, Walter Benjamin. Histoire d’une amitié (Walter Benjamin. Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft). 1980, 262 p.
Antisemitism and Jewish History
Hannah Arendt, Sur l’antisémitisme (Antisemitism). 1973, reprinted Ed. du Seuil, 1984, 289 p.
Isaïah Berlin, Trois essais sur la condition juive (Three Essays on the Jewish Condition). 1973, 206 p.
Theodor Herzl, Journal 1885-1904. Le fondateur du sionisme parle (Theodor Herzl. Briefe und Tagebücher). Selections made and presented by Roger Errera. Preface by Catherine Nicault. 1990, 414 p.
Mavis Hill et L. Norman Williams, Auschwitz en Angleterre. L’affaire Dering (Auschwitz in England). Preface by Lord Denning. 1971, 333 p.
Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, Israël chez les nations (Israel and the Nations). Preface by René Rémond. 1983, 350 p.
History of Jewish communities
Nathan Glazer, Les Juifs américains. Du XVIIème siècle à nos jours (American Judaism).1972, 290 p.
Lionel Kochan (edited by), Les Juifs en Union soviétique depuis 1917 (The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917). 1971, 484 p.
Bernard Lewis, Juifs en terre d’Islam (The Jews of Islam). 1986, 258 p.
Aron Rodrigue, De l’instruction à l’émancipation. Les enseignants de l’Alliance israélite universelle et les Juifs d’Orient 1860-1939 (From Teachers to Emancipation. The teachers of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and Oriental Jews, 1860-1939). 1989, 236 p.
Tributes to Roger Errera
« Hommage à Roger Errera » (Tribute to Roger Errera), Les Cahiers de la justice, 2014/4, p. 528.
François Lichère, In memoriam Roger Errera, “The Use of Comparative Law before the French Administrative Law Courts. Or the Triumph of Castles over Pyramids”, in Mads Andenas & Duncan Fairgrieve (dir.), Courts and Comparative Law, Oxford, Oxford U.P., 2015.
Jean-Paul Costa, « In memoriam. Roger Errera (1933-2014) », Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, n° 101, 1 January 2015, p. 3-6.
Jeffrey Jowell, “Roger Errera”, Public Law, January 2015, p. 1-2.
Duncan Fairgrieve, “Etat de droit and the Rule of Law: Comparing Concepts – A Tribute to Roger Errera”, Ibid., January 2015, p. 40-59.
« Hommage à Roger Errera 1933-2014. Passeur entre la France et l’Europe centrale » (Tribute to Roger Errera 1933-2014. Broker between France and Central Europe), Czech Cultural Centre, Paris, 13 February 2015. [Typewritten text, R.E. personal archives, 31 p.] [>text]
P. J. Birkinshaw, “Roger Errera, Conseiller d’Etat”, European Public Law, vol. 21, n°1, March 2015, opening address.
Hommage à Roger Errera 1933-2014. Autour de la collection Diaspora, aux Editions Calmann-Lévy (Tribute to Roger Errera 1933-2014. A tour of the Diaspora collection at Editions Calmann-Lévy), held jointly by the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme and the Fondation du Judaïsme Français. Paris, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme, 14 June 2015. 2016, 80 pages. [>video] [>text]
Jacques Lautman, « Hommage à Roger Errera (1933-2014) » (Tribute to Roger Errera, 1933-2014), Diasporiques / Cultures en mouvement, n° 30, July 2015, p. 76-78.
Les libertés en France et au Royaume-Uni : Etat de droit, Rule of Law. A propos de l’anniversaire de la Grande Charte de 1215 (Freedoms in France and the United Kingdom: Etat de droit, Rule of Law. On the occasion of the anniversary of Magna Carta 1215), Aristide Lévi (dir.). Proceedings of the colloquium in honour of Roger Errera, organised by the Conseil d’Etat, la Société de legislation comparée and the Franco-British Lawyers Association, Paris, Conseil d’Etat, 30 November 2015. Paris, Société de législation comparée, coll. « Colloques », volume 28, 2016, 137 p. [>publication]